Antique Marble Fireplaces
Stunning antique marble fireplaces, mantels & chimneypieces made in variety of different antique marbles, including Sienna marble, Statuary marble, Cippolino marble and Verde antico marble.
Stock: 14085
A small and delightful Louis XVI style antique fire surround crafted in boldly stated Breche Violette Marble together with its original rather fine steel and brass insert framed within a well defined brass overlapping laurel leaf band, the opening edged with a brass tongue and dart border.
French, late 19th century.
Link to: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.
width |
height |
depth |
external |
49 3⁄8" 125.5 cms |
41 7⁄8" 106.5 cms |
14" 35.5 cms |
internal |
36 13⁄16" 93.5 cms |
35" 89 cms |
Stock: 14536
An elegant and large Aesthetic Movement, bordering on Reformed Gothic, antique fireplace surround in Pencil Statuary Marble with a wide moulded shelf. The main body of the fireplace, set with bands of Tinos Verde Marble, is enhanced by finely cut and gilded motifs, two of which are inset with Tinos Verde Marble bosses. The gently arched opening is bordered with stylised anthemion detail. English, circa 1870.
Shown here with fire grate 14703.
The Aesthetic Movement flourished in Britain in the 1870s and 1880s and was a reaction against and in stark contrast to the perceived fussy, overbearing and conservative Victorian artistic traditions. Those championing the Movement believed that " art exists for the sake of its beauty alone, and that it need serve no political, didactic, or other purpose. "
Link to: Antique Arts and Crafts, Aesthetic, Art Nouveau mantels and Art Deco fireplaces and chimneypieces.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
83 7⁄8" 213 cms |
51 3⁄16" 130 cms |
15 3⁄16" 38.7 cms |
Internal |
43 7⁄8" 111.5 cms |
38" 96.5 cms |
Listed Price: £14,600 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 14780
A tall and finely made white Statuary Marble Georgian chimneypiece. The wide corniced shelf rests above the plain frieze which is centred by a tablet depicting The Triumph of Love. Flanking the frieze are laurel wreathed endblocks above fielded jambs with corbels in the form of stylised fern fronds terminating in bellflowers. This antique fireplace exudes the simple elegance characteristic of the period. English, circa 1790.
Link to a section showing full range of similar/related neo-classical chimneypieces
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
74 13⁄16" 190 cms |
59 5⁄8" 151.5 cms |
7 1⁄2" 19 cms |
Internal |
45 1⁄4" 115 cms |
43 5⁄8" 110.8 cms |
Stock: 14553
Early nineteenth-century Italian chimneypiece in Carrara marble, with a richly carved under-shelf and frieze. The recessed frieze has a central tablet carved with Venus in repose; this is flanked by two pairs of birds, each bearing a garland in their beaks. The endblocks are carved with large Medusa masks which rest on engaged fluted columns with delicately carved capitals of curling acanthus leaves. The fluted columned jambs gently widen to finish in an elegant base.
Italian, circa 1830.
Shown here with fire grate SNo 14629.
Link to: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
73 3⁄16" 186 cms |
52 3⁄16" 132.5 cms |
12 3⁄16" 31 cms |
Internal |
54 1⁄4" 138 cms |
42 1⁄8" 107 cms |
Stock: 6222
An attractive Louis XVI antique fireplace surround in lightly veined Carrara Marble The moulded shelf rests above a panelled frieze bearing a delicately carved, ribbon tied olive leaf sprig. The frieze is flanked by a pair of foliate paterae on the endblocks above tapering panels embellished with further ribbon tied, olive leaf sprigs descending the jambs.
French, circa 1850.
Shown here with andirons SNo 12527 not included.
Link to: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
58 1⁄2" 148.6 cms |
42" 106.7 cms |
11 1⁄2" 29.2 cms |
Internal |
47 1⁄2" 120.6 cms |
35 11⁄16" 90.8 cms |
Listed Price: £12,600 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 12488
An early 18th century Louis XVI chimneypiece in brown polished fossil marble, with restrained carved scrolling detail in Sarin Colin marble.
French, early 18th century.
Link to: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
66 7⁄8" 170 cms |
44 11⁄16" 113.5 cms |
11 3⁄16" 28.5 cms |
Internal |
51 3⁄16" 130 cms |
36 5⁄8" 93 cms |
Stock: 7602
An attractive and delicately carved white Carrara marble antique fireplace surround in the Italian Imperio manner with inset Brescia Violette panels. The frieze with a central crown of laurel leaves flanked by a pair of Brescia Violette panels, echoed on the jambs, is flanked by floral paterae on the endblocks set above twin trophy panels on the jambs signifying Victory. Italian, circa 1800 (with restoration).
Shown here with andirons SNo 12527 not included.
Link to a section showing full range of similar/related neo-classical chimneypieces
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
60 1⁄2" 153.7 cms |
46 1⁄4" 117.5 cms |
12" 30.5 cms |
Internal |
45 1⁄2" 115.6 cms |
37" 94 cms |
Listed Price: £9,500 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 12635
A Rouge Royale marble Louis XV style antique fireplace surround in the Rococo manner. The serpentine shelf rests above a panelled frieze with a large central rocaille cartouche the whole supported on angled, panelled jambs.
French, mid 19th century.
Link to: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
65 11⁄16" 167 cms |
45 1⁄2" 115.5 cms |
11 5⁄8" 29.5 cms |
Internal |
51 3⁄16" 130 cms |
37" 94 cms |
Listed Price: £8,500 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 10928
An important, rare mid-18th century Georgian English Rococo antique fireplace surround in Statuary and Maurin Green Marble influenced by the designs of Sir Henry Cheere (1703-1781) and Isaac Ware (1704-1766). The serpentine shelf rests above a scrolling frieze centred by a carved spray of oak leaves flanked by simple floral rosettes on a bed of Maurin Marble. The end blocks are adorned with acanthus leaves and trailing oak sprigs above finely carved angled console jambs, with Maurin Marble side panels, supported on shaped footblocks. English circa 1750.
Notes: Part of our research revealed that a very similar chimneypiece originated in Woodcote House in Surrey. The house, rebuilt in 1750, was designed by Sir Henry Cheere and the sculptor was Isaac Ware. This chimneypiece bears a close resemblance to their designs. It is also related in style and quality to our SNo 9180.
Link to: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
71 1⁄8" 180.5 cms |
48 3⁄8" 123 cms |
14 3⁄16" 36 cms |
Internal |
52 3⁄16" 132.7 cms |
39 13⁄16" 101 cms |
Stock: 14730
A substantial Regency fireplace surround in beautifully coloured and veined Ashburton Marble from the Lindhay Quarry in South Devon. The moulded shelf, set above a cushioned panel frieze, rests on a pair of tall half round tapering columns fronting the jambs. English, early 19th century.
Shown here with firegrate SNo14748 not included.
Notes:In 1852 a Devon newspaper 'The Western Times', reported that some large blocks of marble had been excavated from quarries adjoining the ancient Stannary Town of Ashburton. It was suggested at the time that the marble be used for the making of chimneypieces as the veins and colour were considered very decorative and superior to that found in any other quarry in South Devon. This marble was still being quarried at the Linhay Quarry into the late 20th century.
Link to: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
68 1⁄8" 173 cms |
47 3⁄16" 120 cms |
12 1⁄8" 30.7 cms |
Internal |
38 5⁄8" 98 cms |
38 3⁄8" 97.5 cms |
Stock: 14737
A Baroque style Ashburton Marble antique Bolection fireplace surround in the soft pale pinks and greys typical of the finer examples of this marble most likely to have come from the Lindhay Quarry in Devon in south west England.
English, late 19th century.
Notes: In 1852 a Devon newspaper 'The Western Times', reported that some large blocks of marble had been excavated from quarries adjoining the ancient Stannary Town of Ashburton. It was suggested at the time that the marble be used for the making of chimneypieces as the veins and colour were considered very decorative and superior to that found in any other quarry in South Devon. This marble was still being quarried at the Linhay Quarry into the late 20th century.
Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
58" 147.2 cms |
45 1⁄4" 115 cms |
5 1⁄8" 13 cms |
Internal |
41 7⁄8" 106.5 cms |
37 13⁄16" 96 cms |
Stock: 8001
A small Louis XIV Baroque style antique fireplace surround in rich, warm red and white variegated Languedoc Marble. The moulded shelf set above a serpentine, panelled frieze resting on corbelled tapering jambs. French, mid 19th century.
Shown here with andirons SNo 11812 not included.
Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
51 3⁄16" 130 cms |
40 3⁄8" 102.5 cms |
15 11⁄16" 40 cms |
Internal |
39" 99 cms |
33 1⁄2" 85 cms |
Listed Price: £4,500 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 14835
A small and elegant White Statuary Marble columned Regency antique chimneypiece. The wide corniced shelf resting above a cushion panelled frieze centred by a carved tablet depicting a Greek muse playing a lyre, is flanked by panelled foliate paterea end blocks supported on free standing tapering columns fronting the jambs on moulded footblocks.
English, circa 1810.
Link to: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
59 1⁄8" 150 cms |
47 13⁄16" 121.5 cms |
11 3⁄16" 28.5 cms |
Internal |
40 7⁄8" 104 cms |
38 13⁄16" 98.5 cms |
Stock: 14728
A charming and imposing Louis XV style antique Rococo chimneypiece in Fleur de Pêche Marble with exceptional ormolu mounts by Francois Linke (1855-1946). The serpentine shelf rests above a panelled frieze centred with an applied ormolu shell cartouche, cushioned on trailing acanthus leaves, above a wide serpentine opening. The tapering, canted jambs, embellished with very fine applied ormolu female terms and with delicate ormolu foliate mounts at each foot, are supported on elegant footblocks. French, late 19th century.
Francois Linke was a leading Parisian ébéniste of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and this fireplace was almost certainly commissioned by a client around that time. His signature can be clearly seen on the shoulder of the female term to the left.
In the nineteenth-century, François Linke was considered one of the finest cabinet makers and designers in France, and one of the finest in the world. Born in the small village of Pankraz in Bohemia - now Jitrava in the Czech Republic - François Linke was the second son of eleven siblings. His father was a farmer and sent François to be apprenticed to a local cabinetmaker at just thirteen years of age, after which he settled in Paris in 1878; only five years after his apprenticeship had been completed.
The applied ormolu decorations designed by Léon Messagé were an essential part of Linke’s allure and brought him to the forefront of the Paris makers of meubles de haut luxe. At the famous Exposition Universelle in 1900, one of Linke’s finest items - a grand bureau - won a gold medal. The Art Journal reported in 1900 on Linke’s stand:
‘The work of M. Linke … was an example of what can be done by seeking inspiration amongst the classic examples of Louis XV and XVI without in any great sense copying these great works. M. Linke’s work was original in the true sense of the word, and as such commended itself to the intelligent seeker after the really artistic things of the Exhibition. Wonderful talent was employed in producing the magnificent pieces of furniture displayed...’
Linke’s work was so fine that he was invited to undertake an extraordinary commission to furnish the Ras al-Tin Palace in Alexandria with over 1,000 pieces of furniture and decoration for King Fuad of Egypt; the single largest furniture commission ever conceived, which eclipsed even Versailles. It is here that other examples of his exquisite marble and ormolu chimneypieces can be found.
The designs for these majestic Rococo chimneypieces were in fact inspired by the chimneypieces of Versailles. These were designed in the late 18th century by Jacques Verberckt with gilt bronze mounts by Jacques Caffiéri. The two master craftsmen embodied the Louis XV Rocaille style of the eighteenth-century. When Linke and Messagé were allowed access to these designs, they sought to reproduce both the style and quality for a nineteenth-century audience. As a result, the Louis XV style saw a great revival. The chimneypiece in our collection has figural ormolu mounts almost identical to those found in the sumptuous Council Cabinet of Versailles. Linke has subtly updated the design by choosing a soft, fleur de pecher marble to provide the perfect backdrop for the glowing ormolu.
This chimneypiece is a testament to both Linke and Messagé's exquisite craftsmanship and represents the finest of nineteenth-century design. If you would like any further information about this piece, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Link to: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
84 5⁄8" 215 cms |
47 5⁄8" 121 cms |
20 1⁄8" 51 cms |
Internal |
60 5⁄8" 154 cms |
38 3⁄8" 97.5 cms |
Stock: 14777
A very large and majestic arched Victorian antique fireplace mantel in lightly veined Carrara Marble. The wide moulded shelf rests above the broad arched fireplace opening, centred by a panelled keystone, is framed by finely carved, bound laurel torus moulding flanked by a pair of carved laurel wreaths on the panelled spandrels. The whole is supported on large shaped footblocks.
English, mid 19th century.
Link to: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
87 5⁄8" 222.5 cms |
50 3⁄8" 128 cms |
15 5⁄8" 39.5 cms |
Internal |
42 1⁄2" 108 cms |
36 5⁄8" 93 cms |
Stock: 14277
A grand Baroque style antique fireplace mantel in luxuriously veined Portoro Marble with a wide moulded shelf above a panelled frieze centred by a roundel. Flanking the frieze are square paterae endblocks above very large c- scrolled angled jambs supported on sturdy footblocks framing the wide shaped fireplace opening. French, mid 19th century.
Shown with fire grate SNo 14266 not included in the price.
Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
69 1⁄4" 176 cms |
44 11⁄16" 113.5 cms |
18 7⁄8" 48 cms |
Internal |
38 3⁄8" 97.5 cms |
31 1⁄4" 79.5 cms |
Stock: 14563
An impressive and beautifully carved French Rococo style antique chimneypiece in richly veined and variegated Languedoc Marble. The shaped moulded shelf rests above the deeply carved serpentine frieze centred by an asymmetrical shell cartouche amid foliate and floral detail. The c-scrolled endblocks sit above scrolled angled jambs which terminate in foliate furls supported on neat footblocks.
French, late 19th century.
Shown here with chenet SNo 11667 not included.
Link to: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
70 11⁄16" 179.5 cms |
42 11⁄16" 108.5 cms |
11 3⁄8" 29 cms |
Internal |
54 11⁄16" 139 cms |
34 1⁄8" 86.5 cms |
Stock: 14803
A large antique moulded Bolection fireplace surround in pale green Connemara Marble, raised on solid foot blocks. Together with its integral fender. Shown here with andirons SNo 14528 not included.
English. late 19th century.
Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
65 7⁄8" 167.5 cms |
48" 122 cms |
3" 7.5 cms |
Internal |
50 13⁄16" 129 cms |
40 5⁄8" 103 cms |
Stock: 8892
A chic Louis XVI fireplace mantel carved in Breche Violette Marble with applied ormolu mounts in the manner of Pierre Gouthiere (1732-1813) who was appointed ciseliste, doreur, bronze chaser and gilder by Aux Menus Plaisirs du Roi, Palais de Versailles in France. The shelf is set above an inset frieze applied with a scrolling foliate mount with flanking ormolu paterae on the endblocks above the jambs which are fronted by a pair of beautiful finely tapering stop fluted columns, each in the form of a stylised quiver of arrows resting on elegant footblocks. Image before the re-instatement of the ormolu on the right hand column.
French, late 19th century.
Shown here but not included are chenets SNo 14433.
Link to: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire and George IV fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
55 1⁄2" 141 cms |
47 1⁄4" 120.2 cms |
12 3⁄8" 31.5 cms |
Internal |
34 5⁄8" 88 cms |
35 13⁄16" 91 cms |
Stock: 14766
A large and handsome Victorian fireplace mantel carved in a beautiful deep red example of Griotte Rouge Marble. The panelled frieze is flanked by square endblocks resting above similar arched panelling on the jambs supported by large footblocks. English, mid 19th century.
Shown here with firegrate SNo 14352 not included.
Link to: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
74 3⁄8" 189 cms |
51 13⁄16" 131.5 cms |
13 1⁄4" 33.7 cms |
Internal |
42 1⁄8" 107 cms |
38 1⁄4" 97.3 cms |
Listed Price: £14,600 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 14734
A 19th century Victorian period Statuary and Siena Marble antique fireplace surround in the Neoclassical style. The panelled sienna frieze is centred by a floral and foliate tablet flanked by rosette paterae on the endblocks above siena panelled jambs raised on plain footblocks. Belgian, late 19th century.
(Shown with fire grate SNo 14703 not included in the price)
Link to: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
65 11⁄16" 166.8 cms |
45 3⁄8" 115.3 cms |
10" 25.5 cms |
Internal |
48 1⁄2" 123.3 cms |
36 3⁄16" 92 cms |
Listed Price: £10,400 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 14708
A wide arched Victorian fireplace surround in subtle Pencil Statuary Marble. The plain frieze with a small central panel beneath a shaped breakfront moulded shelf, above the arched opening with simple central keystone and with carved detail on the spandrels.
English, mid 19th century.
Shown here with firegrate SNo 14370 not included and not yet on the web
Link to: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
78 11⁄16" 200 cms |
50" 127 cms |
15" 38 cms |
Internal |
39 1⁄8" 99.2 cms |
36 1⁄2" 92.6 cms |
Listed Price: £8,600 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 14136
A Victorian Regency style antique fireplace surround in lightly veined Carrara Marble, with a simple panelled frieze flanked by bullseye endblocks above panelled jambs
English, circa 1890.
Link to: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
59 13⁄16" 152 cms |
44 1⁄2" 113 cms |
10" 25.5 cms |
Internal |
36 3⁄16" 92 cms |
36 5⁄8" 93 cms |
Stock: 9726
A tall but slim Victorian Tinos Verde Marble Baroque style antique Bolection fireplace surround. English, late 19th century.
Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
37" 94 cms |
42 1⁄4" 107.5 cms |
2 13⁄16" 7 cms |
Internal |
27 3⁄16" 69 cms |
36" 91.5 cms |
Stock: 14736
An elegant early 20th century moulded Pavonazzo Marble, Baroque style bolection chimneypiece. The name Pavonazzo derives from the Italian word for peacock, pavone. It is one of the many varieties of Carrara Marble being white with grey and black veining. English, circa 1920.
Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
50 13⁄16" 129 cms |
42 5⁄8" 108.2 cms |
3 11⁄16" 9.5 cms |
Internal |
35" 89 cms |
34 13⁄16" 88.5 cms |
Stock: 14414
An imposing and profusely carved French Baroque style fireplace surround in lightly veined white Carrara Marble with an upper coffered stop fluted frieze and stepped entablature above an arched egg and dart band.
The fine quality clock, set within an arched niche framed by a foliate edged band above the garlanded frieze, strikes the hour and the half hour on a single bell. The clock face has gilt Roman numerals on a marble bed within a gilt egg and tongue frame. The delicately pierced hands are finely engraved with foliate detail and the clock is stamped on the movement Bailly Sr De Weibel, Breveté S.G.O.G. A Lyon.
The opening is edged with a finely carved leaf and berry band and the jambs each have two tapering, garlanded grotesque terms to the front and the sides terminating in large lion claw feet resting on stepped footblocks. Shown here with andirons SNo12527 not included in the price.
French, circa 1870.
Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
66 7⁄8" 170 cms |
60 3⁄16" 153 cms |
21 1⁄4" 54 cms |
Internal |
37" 94 cms |
36 3⁄16" 92 cms |
Stock: 14569
A pretty, delicately carved Statuary Marble Louis XVI style antique French fireplace surround. The breakfront moulded shelf rests above a fine stop fluted frieze with a central tablet of carved swag and ribbons. The frieze is flanked by a pair of floral roundels on the endblocks above attached, angled, half round, stop fluted, tapering columns fronting the jambs resting on neat footblocks and to each side are plain panelled side returns.
French, late 19th century.
Shown here with chenet SNo 14192.
Link to: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
63 3⁄8" 161 cms |
45 1⁄2" 115.5 cms |
17 1⁄4" 44 cms |
Internal |
46 13⁄16" 118.8 cms |
34 3⁄8" 87.5 cms |
Listed Price: £14,500 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 14641
A late Victorian White and Crema Valencia antique marble fireplace mantel of a pleasingly simple design with a moulded shelf above a plain frieze flanked by stop fluted jambs, together with the original white marble fire kerb.
English, late 19th century.
Link to: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
72 3⁄16" 183.5 cms |
50 3⁄16" 127.5 cms |
13 3⁄16" 33.5 cms |
Internal |
38" 96.5 cms |
38" 96.5 cms |
Stock: 14251
A rare 19th century Statuary Marble and ormolu chimneypiece in the French Regency style with a large, exquisitely carved 18th century panel after Clodion (1738 – 1814).
The fireplace, originally in the drawing room of Brook House, located at 113 Park Lane in Mayfair London, was made to accommodate the extraordinary18th century panel which was probably acquired during a Grand Tour.
The panel depicts 'Le Triomphe d'Amphitrite' who can be seen in the centre riding a dolphin attended by putti, tritons(mermen) and nereids(mermaids). Finely applied ormolu, set beneath the cornice shelf and on the jambs and sides, frames the panel and there are intricately detailed ormolu rams heads and tumbling festoons adorning each jamb above which are corbels embellished with large ormolu acanthus leaves.
Provenance: Brook House, Park Lane, Mayfair, London. English late 1860s.
Notes on Amphitrite & Poseidon.
Amphitrite was one of the fifty Nereids who were attendants of the sea-god Poseidon. On first seeing Amphitrite Poseidon fell deeply in love and ardently pursued her. When she fled his wooing he sent dolphins after her who finally persuaded her to return to become his bride. The bearded figure on the far right of the panel could well be Poseidon himself.
Notes on Brook House.
Brook House was built in the French style from 1867-1869 by the architect Thomas Henry Wyatt for Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, the 1st Lord Tweedmouth. The interiors were designed by the renowned 19th century decorators Wright & Mansfield who were strongly influenced by French design. Please see photo below of the Brook House Drawing Room which shows the fireplace in situ. The photograph is courtesy of the Country Life Archives and was taken by Charles Latham in 1902 for The King Magazine and later included in 'London Interiors' written by John Cornforth and published by Country Life.
Ernest Cassell, private banker to Edward VII, bought Brook House from Lord Tweedmouth in 1904 and lived there with his granddaughter Edwina Ashley who later became Countess Mountbatten when she married Louis Mountbatten in 1922. Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma was the uncle of the Queen's consort, the Duke of Edinburgh. Their marriage was attended by the then King and Queen and the Prince of Wales and the reception was held in Brook House. The couple later moved into a suite on the third floor. The house was subsequently demolished and redeveloped in the 1930's.
Link to: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
88 5⁄8" 225 cms |
65 3⁄16" 165.5 cms |
22 3⁄8" 57 cms |
Internal |
53 1⁄2" 136 cms |
40 5⁄8" 103 cms |
Stock: 14597
A rather smart, low and wide typically 1930's, Onyx and Portoro Marble Art Deco fireplace surround with the original reeded bronze insert. The curved and fluted Portoro jambs flank Onyx panels either side of the opening above the Onyx hearth.
English circa 1930.
Link to: Antique Arts and Crafts, Aesthetic, Art Nouveau mantels and Art Deco fireplaces and chimneypieces.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
73 5⁄8" 187 cms |
33 7⁄8" 86 cms |
7 7⁄8" 20 cms |
Internal |
38 5⁄8" 98 cms |
31 1⁄2" 80 cms |
Stock: 14398
A superb, tall and elegant twin columned Gothic Revival antique chimneypiece in finely figured, softly dark grey Saint Anne Marble. This is a wonderful fireplace imposing in its simplicity and one of a kind. The wide moulded shelf rests on twin pairs of attached octagonal columns, each with moulded capitals, supported on sturdy footblocks. The plain frieze is centred by a simple shield above the slow arch of the opening set with quatrefoil carvings on the spandrels.
English, possibly Scottish circa 1860.
Shown here together with firegrate SNo 11882 now sold.
Link to: Antique Renaissance, Gothic Tudor Fireplace mantels and Chimneypieces: 1260 - 1600
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
82 1⁄2" 209.5 cms |
54 5⁄8" 138.6 cms |
15 3⁄16" 38.5 cms |
Internal |
43 11⁄16" 111 cms |
39 3⁄16" 99.5 cms |
Stock: 14568
A richly veined large Belgian Griotte Rouge Marble antique Victorian fireplace, the panelled frieze, centred by a panel of three akroter, is flanked by floral paterae on the endblocks above jambs fronted by tapering panels topped by small akroter with trailing foliate detail above neat footblocks.
Belgian, late 19th century.
Link to: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
68 11⁄16" 174.5 cms |
49 3⁄16" 125 cms |
16 1⁄8" 41 cms |
Internal |
46 11⁄16" 118.5 cms |
37" 94 cms |
Stock: 14407
A wide 19th century Louis XVI style carved Carrara Marble Victorian fireplace mantel with a simple panelled frieze and a pair of substantial acanthus corbelled jambs terminating in large lion paws resting on solid foot blocks. French, late 19th century.
Shown here with fire basket SNo 14236 not included in the price.
Link to: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
Internal |
61 3⁄8" 156 cms |
40 5⁄8" 103 cms |
15 11⁄16" 40 cms |
External |
42 7⁄8" 109 cms |
30 1⁄4" 77 cms |
Listed Price: £9,600 (+VAT where applicable)
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Stock: 10915
A rare 18th century Italian Baroque fireplace mantel in finely carved Statuary Marble. The moulded arched shelf forms the upper part of a full width serpentine frieze which is centred by a high prominent shell cartouche, flanked by profusely carved flowers, grape vines and ears of wheat representing summer and autumn. Carved in low relief at each end of the frieze are winged mythical dragons and to the side are vases of flowers beneath which are elaborate angled c-scrolled jambs decorated with masks of grotesques holding ropes of fruits in their mouths and there are trails of tumbling berries and leaves down the sides. Shown together with andirons SNo 12527 not included with the price. Italian mid 18th century.
Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
64 3⁄16" 163 cms |
46 7⁄8" 119 cms |
9 13⁄16" 25 cms |
Internal |
41 1⁄4" 105 cms |
37 13⁄16" 96 cms |
Stock: 14438
A Baroque Louis XV antique fireplace mantel in grey and white Arabascato Marble. The shaped moulded shelf above a panelled frieze with a central cartouche set above the serpentine opening flanked by twin panelled jambs. French early 19th century.
Link to: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.
Width |
Height |
Depth |
External |
49 5⁄8" 126 cms |
41 1⁄8" 104.5 cms |
17 1⁄4" 44 cms |
Internal |
36 5⁄8" 93 cms |
34 13⁄16" 88.5 cms |
Marble fireplaces
Our stunning collection of antique marble fireplaces, mantels and chimneypieces features fireplaces made in a variety of different antique marbles, including Sienna marble, Statuary marble, Cippolino marble and Verde Antico marble.
A brief history of marble
Marble has been used in architecture for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures. Its ability to bear immense weight made it ideal for supporting structures and monolithic columns in public, private and religious buildings. Prized for its beauty and resilience, marble has been used in some of the world’s most iconic buildings, including the Parthenon, the Taj Mahal and the Palace of Versailles.
Marble has been popular for its use in sculpture since classical times. In fact, the word ‘marble’ derives from the Ancient Greek mármaron, which means ‘crystalline rock, shining stone’. Light is able to penetrate several millimetres into marble before being scattered out, producing the characteristic ‘glow’ that seems to give life to sculptures.
The introduction of marble fireplaces
Marble fireplaces have been popular for hundreds of years. Marble has been highly prized as a material for fireplaces due to its softness - which makes it easier to carve - its strength, and, perhaps most of all, its elegance and air of luxury.
The oldest piece in our collection of antique marble fireplaces dates back to around 1460. This extremely rare chimneypiece is carved in Pietra d’Istria marble from the Istrian Peninsula near Venice, and is attributed to Giorgio da Sebenico, sculptor of the Duomo San Francesco, Cathedral of Ancona.
A taste for marble fireplaces
Marble fireplaces remained fashionable in Europe throughout the 15th and 16th Centuries and were particularly popular during the Georgian, Regency and Victorian eras.
The first half of the Georgian era saw marble fireplaces influenced heavily by the classical temple architecture of the Greeks and Romans. Halfway through the 18th Century, designer and architect Robert Adam revolutionised fireplace design with his neoclassical fireplaces.
Marble fireplaces were much sought-after during the Regency period, particularly those made from Statuary marble. However, the onset of the Napoleonic wars in 1803 made its cost prohibitive to all but the wealthiest, and largely restricted its use to grand public rooms.
From the early to mid Victorian era these fireplaces were typically very ornate, featuring intricate floral designs. Later Victorian fireplaces show a preference for simpler, more geometric designs.
Antique marble fireplaces
Antique marble fireplaces are still very much in demand, and it’s easy to see why. From the simplest to the most sumptuously extravagant, a marble fireplace can be tastefully integrated into either a traditional or modern room to make a beautiful and striking focal point.
Our collection of antique marble fireplaces is one of the most comprehensive in the world. A display spanning such a breadth of styles, periods and materials is unlikely to be found elsewhere.