Antique Marble Fireplaces

Stunning antique marble fireplaces, mantels & chimneypieces made in variety of different antique marbles, including Sienna marble, Statuary marble, Cippolino marble and Verde antico marble.

  • Stock: 16481

    A fine Rococo Louis XV chimneypiece in pavonazzo marble. The serpentine shelf sits above a beautifully carved panelled frieze, centred with a shell cartouche framed by sprays of olive. This is framed by the scrolling enblocks, mounted over the scrolling console jambs. carved with a simple stop-fluted decoration.

    French, mid-19th century.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 57 78"
    147 cms
    43 1316"
    111.2 cms
    40.7 cms
    Internal 40 78"
    104 cms
    36 12"
    92.7 cms

    Listed Price: £14,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6628

    A large Victorian Kilkenny marble arched fireplace with star decoration. This large and grand fireplace is carved from a striking black Kilkenny marble, with white fossils dramatically set against a black background. The large moulded shelf rest on the generous spandrel jambs with chamfered corners, carved with a Star of David decoration, which flanks the keystone of cartouche form, mounted above the generously moulded arched opening.

    English, c.1860.
    Measurements footblock to footblock 185.3cm View our collection of: antique Firebacks

    Width Height Depth
    External 78 14"
    198.8 cms
    50 38"
    128 cms
    38 cms
    Internal 39 38"
    100 cms
    38 316"
    97 cms

    Listed Price: £11,400 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Small Louis XV Rococo Carrara Marble Fireplace Reserved

    Stock: 16643

    A small but fine Louis XV Rococo fireplace in a very subtly mottled Carrara marble. The serpentine frieze is centred by a rocaille or shell and foliate scrollwork with trailing flowers, and this motif is echoed on the scrolling endblocks and canted console jambs.

    French, late 19th century.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 52 1316"
    134 cms
    42 12"
    108 cms
    15 38"
    39.2 cms
    Internal 35 58"
    90.3 cms
    88.8 cms
  • Stock: 16736

    A deeply moulded bolection fireplace in a very dark grey, hard limestone with subtle veining.

    Italian, late 20th century.

    View our collection of: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 50 316"
    127.4 cms
    43 316"
    109.8 cms
    5 18"
    13 cms
    Internal 36 18"
    91.6 cms
    36 18"
    91.6 cms

    Listed Price: £8,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16483

    A fine Louis XV Pompadour fireplace in Belgian black marble. This pompadour fireplace is boldly carved with a serpentine shelf, over a panelled serpentine frieze flanked by scrolling endblocks over generous, canted console jambs. A dramatic fireplace with a beautiful finish.

    French, late 19th century.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 61 38"
    156 cms
    48 1116"
    123.8 cms
    13 1116"
    34.8 cms
    Internal 40 78"
    104 cms
    40 38"
    102.5 cms

    Listed Price: £7,200 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6625

    An exceptionally rare chimneypiece by Robert Adam.

    This chimneypiece is an exciting new discovery. Commissioned by General John Burgoyne (1722-1792) for the eating room of his London residence at 10 Hertford St, Mayfair, it was designed by Robert Adam to embrace the Italian Neoclassicism both patron and architect had enjoyed during their time in Italy.

    Burgoyne was a professional soldier, and despite being the son of a Baronet he relied on his military income. In 1743, he eloped with Lady Charlotte Stanley and as a result the pair were denied Lady Charlotte’s dowry, forcing them into and an extended trip to Europe to avoid their creditors in 1749.

    It was in Aix-en-Provence that the couple struck up a friendship with the young architect, meeting him again in Florence, and visiting him at his apartments in Rome on several occasions. When their fortune had been restored by the generosity of Lady Charlotte’s father, the couple sought an architect to design the interiors for their new home they had leased on Hertford St. Naturally they engaged their friend Robert Adam, who set about designing the interior mouldings, chimneypieces and furniture for the fourteen rooms. Many of the drawings for these interiors survive in the Sir John Soane archive. At this time, Robert Adam was still Architect of the King’s Works, so Burgoyne had employed the very best architect to finish his new home.

    Adam’s grand tour similarly started in France, and continued to Florence and Rome, where he met Giovanni Battista Piranesi, an established architect and printmaker known for his fantastical drawings of ancient ruins and precise interpretation of classicism. The pair enjoyed many drawing excursions together, the product of which became an essential marketing tool for the young architect, who sent these sketches back to England to win business, which it did. Within five years of his return to England, Adam was swamped with work.

    What makes this chimneypiece so interesting is undoubtedly its association and stylistic similarities with Piranesi, with whom Adam shared a close friendship. We know for certain that this chimneypiece was designed after Adam’s time in Rome, having been commissioned by Burgoynes in 1769. Interestingly, this is the date of publication for Piranesi’s volume of chimneypiece designs, his Diverse Manière Cammini, which comprises 62 fanciful designs designed to be a complete departure from the Italian neoclassicism which emerged in the Renaissance.

    This chimneypiece is not only Italianate in design, it is also constructed very much in the Italian manner, utilising 4 large blocks of marble which were hewn into shape from the whole. In contrast, English chimneypiece construction of this period was more aligned with cabinetmaking, using sheets of marble that were joined together. Here, the tablet and endblocks have been let in, and it is perhaps the case that the chimneypiece was made in Italy under instruction from Robert Adam and was finished in England. The carving is exquisite and bears many similarities to a design Piranesi published in his volume. Simple in form, the shelf features a small egg and dart moulding above crisply carved dentil and leaf and dart mouldings. This is supported by a generous frieze, inset with panels of verde antico marble centred by an urnular tablet, and flanked by endblocks carved with candlestands, which also bear resemblance to Piranesi’s design. The verde antico is also inset on the jambs, and the opening is framed with more exquisitely carved leaf and dart, which continues around the footblocks. This chimneypiece is very substantial in size, and is a truly innovative piece of 18th century design, and a striking departure from other English chimneypieces of the same date.

    English, c.1769.

    Full provenance on request.

    View our section showing the full range of our neo-classical chimneypieces

    Width Height Depth
    External 79 14"
    201.5 cms
    56 18"
    142.5 cms
    8 78"
    22.5 cms
    Internal 50"
    127 cms
    40 58"
    103.2 cms
  • Stock: 16305

    A beautiful Pompadour chimneypiece in a boldly veined breche violette fireplace. The serpentine panelled frieze is supported by angled panelled jambs over plain footblocks. Small but perfectly formed!

    French, late 19th century.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    54 58"
    138.7 cms
    41 12"
    105.5 cms
    14 14"
    36.2 cms

    Listed Price: £7,800 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16560

    An elegant Louis XVI fireplace in a boldly veined dove grey bardiglio fiorito. The breakfront shelf sits above a stop-fluted frieze, which is flanked by acanthus paterae endblocks. These are supported by scrolling console jambs.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 57 18"
    145 cms
    44 316"
    112.2 cms
    16 58"
    42.2 cms
    Internal 40"
    101.5 cms
    86.3 cms
  • Stock: 14723

    A small Louis XIV chimneypiece in campan marble. This Baroque chimneypiece is carved from a beautifully veined campan marble, with a generous bolection moulding framing the rounded opening.
    The perfect fireplace if you love the bolection shape, but also want a fireplace with a shelf.

    View our collection of fireplaces: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

    width height depth
    External 50"
    127 cms
    39 316"
    99.5 cms
    15 316"
    38.5 cms
    Internal 35 58"
    90.5 cms
    32 1116"
    83 cms

    Listed Price: £8,400 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 14250

    A very fine and delicately carved Louis XVI antique French chimneypiece. The slender shelf rests over a frieze carved in low relief with Vitruvian scrolls amongst foliage, and set with a tablet carved with a portrait cameo and ribboned floral garland. The frieze is supported on corbel jambs with floral garlands. The fireplace has its original ornate cast iron insert, decorated with a bead and reel border, with a torchere and quiver motif.

    French, mid 19th century.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    width height depth
    external 67 78"
    172.4 cms
    44 14"
    112.5 cms
    18 78"
    47.9 cms
    internal 47 38"
    120.5 cms
    34 14"
    87 cms
  • Stock: 16724

    A rare pair of very fine Louis XV Rococo marble fireplaces in a beautifully veined seravezza marble. On each, the serpentine shelf is mounted over the serpentine frieze, beautifully carved with a central rocaille cartouche and trailing flowers. The scrolled corners on the frieze meet the jambs where they elegantly taper to the base.

    It is extraordinarily rare to have an original pair of fireplaces of such quality.

    French, mid-19th century.

    Provenance: A fine house in Italy.

    View our collection of: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 61"
    155 cms
    43 1116"
    111 cms
    16 14"
    41.5 cms
    Internal 45 1116"
    116 cms
    35 58"
    90.5 cms

    Listed Price: £46,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16674

    A fine and large Belgian arched fireplace in a pure white statuary marble. The breakfront shelf rests on a deep and generously carved frieze, with a Greek key like low relief band of carving centred by a large and rather Baroque tablet with floral and foliate garlands framing an androgynous mask mounted on a cartouche. This cartouche is echoed on the endblocks, which sit above the boldly carved and substantial acanthus corbel, console jambs which are also embellished with rose garlands carved exquisitely in high relief. These frame the arched opening which is detailed with laurel spandrels and a plain keystone.

    Belgian, c.1860.

    View our collection of: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.

    Width Height Depth
    External 76 14"
    193.7 cms
    47 18"
    119.7 cms
    16 14"
    41.5 cms
    Internal 37"
    94 cms
    31 14"
    79.5 cms

    Listed Price: £22,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16573

    A very large and grand rouge royale marble Victorian fireplace. The warm, rusty red marble with bold white and grey veining is shown to its full potential with this design. The wide moulded shelf rests on boldly carved corbels mounted on wide and deep jambs. These frame the arched opening which is bordered by simply panelled spandrels.

    English, c.1880.

    View our collection of: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.

    Width Height Depth
    External 86 1316"
    220.5 cms
    127 cms
    13 316"
    33.5 cms
    Internal 37 78"
    96.3 cms
    37 78"
    96.3 cms

    Listed Price: £8,500 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 15905

    A small Belgian fireplace in the Baroque style. The moulded shelf is highlighted with a band of inlaid Sarrancolin marble, and this rests over the frieze which is mounted with lozenge tablets in the same marble. The whole is supported on generous corbel jambs and the opening is bordered by a slender slip in Sarrancolin.

    Belgian, late 19th century.

    Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 57 18"
    145 cms
    55 78"
    142 cms
    22 38"
    57 cms

    Listed Price: £14,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6624

    A small, low and charming Victorian arched fireplace in the Egyptian Revival style. This beautiful chimneypiece is carved from pure white statuary marble and has a moulded shelf which is supported by Egyptian palm capital pilasters. This is centred by moulded spandrels and a shell keystone.
    The height of this piece suggests it might once have been installed underneath a window, or perhaps just a very tall overmantel! Perfect for a room with a limited ceiling height.

    English, c.1840.

    View our collection of: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.

    Width Height Depth
    External 70"
    177.8 cms
    37 316"
    94.5 cms
    13 38"
    34 cms
    Internal 35"
    89 cms
    30 12"
    77.5 cms

    Listed Price: £11,500 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16579

    A large, boldly carved Victorian corbel fireplace in a pencil statuary marble. The generous moulded shelf rests over a plain frieze, and is supported by bold panelled and acanthus corbels, over plain jambs.

    English, c.1860.

    View our collection of: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.

    Width Height Depth
    External 74"
    188 cms
    47 58"
    121 cms
    12 316"
    31 cms
    Internal 38 316"
    97 cms
    38 14"
    97.3 cms
  • Stock: 16646

    A dramatic French bolection fireplace in a boldly veined verde antico marble, with a cushion moulding around the opening.
    Unlike English bolections, this fireplace has the useful addition of a shelf making it a practical choice when you are looking to decorate a mantelpiece.

    French, late 19th century.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 57 12"
    146 cms
    42 12"
    107.9 cms
    9 1116"
    24.6 cms
    Internal 41 1316"
    106.2 cms
    34 1316"
    88.5 cms

    Listed Price: £6,300 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6620

    A bold and very grand Louis XV Rococo fireplace in a buttery yellow Siena marble. This fireplace is truly a statement piece, with a wonderfully ornate frieze, centred by a mask of Hercules wearing the Nemean lionskin. This cartouche is framed with foliate scrollwork which is echoed on the corners of the panelled frieze, and also on the canted, console jambs.

    French, mid-20th century.

    Notes: This fireplace was clearly influenced by the Salon de Hercules in The Palace of Versailles. After Antoine Vassé.

    View our collection of: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 79 18"
    201 cms
    51 58"
    131 cms
    23 1316"
    60.5 cms
    Internal 51 1116"
    131.3 cms
    41 18"
    104.5 cms

    Listed Price: £38,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6613

    An exceptional Louis XV Rococo fireplace in dramatically figured breche violette marble of grand proportions. This is perhaps one of the most magnificent French Rococo chimneypieces we have had in our collection. The moulded serpentine shelf rests on the wide frieze, also of serpentine from, and is boldly carved with a central rocaille motif and panels. This carving is echoed in the endblocks, which are mounted above beautifully bold Rococo jambs.

    French, 19th century.

    View our collection of: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 79 1116"
    202.5 cms
    51 316"
    130 cms
    15 1116"
    40 cms
    Internal 59 18"
    150 cms
    42 14"
    107.5 cms
  • Stock: 16576

    A finely carved Italian fireplace in white marble. The slender moulded shelf sits over a plain frieze, mounted with an anthemion tablet, with a central floral rosette. The slender jambs are carved with a twisting vine, terminating in anthemions.

    Italian, 20th century.

    View our collection of: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 51 58"
    131 cms
    40 316"
    102 cms
    7 1116"
    19.5 cms
    Internal 35 14"
    89.6 cms
    34 58"
    88 cms
  • Stock: 16480

    A fine Louis XVI chimneypiece in a beautiful breche d'Aleppe marble. Simple in form, this fireplace has a panelled frieze centred by an integral paterae tablet, which is echoed on the endblocks, which in turn are mounted over panelled jambs.

    French, late 19th century.

    Outside to outside footblock 150.4cm

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 60 18"
    152.7 cms
    46 14"
    117.5 cms
    15 78"
    40.5 cms
    Internal 40 58"
    103.2 cms
    35 316"
    89.5 cms

    Listed Price: £9,500 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16644

    A beautiful French Empire period fireplace in an unusual, deep breccia marble. The marble has a deep red hue and incorporates grey brown and even yellow tones, with some sparse white veining. The moulded shelf sits over the plain frieze, which is supported on corbels over flat jambs.
    A fireplace that showcases the marble with its simplicity of design.

    French, early 19th century.

    Outside footblock to outside footblock measurement: 151.5cm

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 62"
    157.5 cms
    41 14"
    105 cms
    15 58"
    39.5 cms
    Internal 45"
    114.4 cms
    30 1116"
    78 cms

    Listed Price: £5,500 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6619

    An ornately carved Louis XVI , Rococo style fireplace surround in white Carrara Marble, with panelled returns and circular hinged gilt brass ventilation ports.
    French late 19th century.

    View our collection of: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 59 38"
    151 cms
    41 12"
    105.5 cms
    17 14"
    44 cms
    Internal 45 18"
    114.5 cms
    31 78"
    81 cms

    Listed Price: £9,500 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 14883

    A starkly elegant Regency chimneypiece in black Kilkenny marble. The plain shelf rests over a frieze that is simply decorated with a tablet carved with an ovoid design. This motif is echoed in the endblocks which rest on reeded jambs.

    Scottish, c.1810.

    Notes: Kilkenny marble is a black, carboniferous limestone laced with ancient fossils which has been quarried in Ireland for centuries.

    View our collection of: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 64 58"
    164 cms
    127 cms
    8 18"
    20.5 cms
    Internal 42 18"
    107 cms
    40 38"
    102.7 cms

    Listed Price: £13,500 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6609

    A pair of reproduction Georgian chimneypieces in white marble with Azul Valverde Greek key inlay. Beautifully carved, these fireplaces have thick moulded shelves with acanthus leaf and dart carved in low relief, over friezes inlaid with a Greek key design. This is flanked by very slender Adam style corbels, over slender jambs.

    20th century.

    Outer footblock to footblock width 55 1/2" 141cms

    View our collection of: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 63 78"
    162.3 cms
    53 18"
    135 cms
    17.8 cms
    Internal 40"
    101.5 cms
    101.5 cms

    Listed Price: £22,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16505

    A most beautiful Louis XV chimneypiece in a dramatically veined campan mélange marble, in many ways surpassing the beauty of breche violette. The veining of khaki greens and deep violet ripples across the peachy base tone, it really is remarkably unique. The moulded shelf rests over a panelled serpentine frieze which is centred by a boldly carved Rococo shell cartouche. This is echoed on the endblocks which are mounted above the canted console jambs.

    French, mid-19th century.

    Campan marble comes from the high French Pyrenees, where it has been quarried since Antiquity. The area produces a variety of beautiful, richly veined coloured marbles, such as Campan Gran Mélange, Campan Vert, Ribbon Campan and the deep red Rouge Griotte. These were much prized and used in the apartments in Versailles during the reign of Louis XVI for chimney pieces and wall panels. Campan Vert and Campan Gran Mélange are extensively used on the walls of the Escalier de la Reine (the Queen’s stairs) Versailles.

    View our collection of: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 59 1316"
    152 cms
    116.8 cms
    15 1116"
    40 cms
    Internal 41 78"
    106.5 cms
    37 1316"
    96 cms

    Listed Price: £11,800 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6611

    A large and grand bolection fireplace in the most beautifully dramaric red rouge royale marble. With a wide moulded shelf, this deep bolection fireplace has Greek corners and scrolls on the jambs, elevating it beyond the usual simplicity that typifies the style.

    French, c.1850.

    View our collection of fireplaces: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 65 78"
    167.3 cms
    46 316"
    117.4 cms
    16 14"
    41.5 cms
    Internal 38 18"
    96.7 cms
    96.5 cms

    Listed Price: £12,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16528

    A charming Victorian arched fireplace in a boldly veined Carrara marble. The moulded shelf looms over panelled spandrels with a central, faceted keystone which is flanked by acanthus endblocks over plain jambs.

    English, c,1880.

    Outer footblock to footblock 154.5cm

    View our collection of: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.

    Width Height Depth
    External 72 38"
    184 cms
    47 316"
    119.8 cms
    11 1316"
    30 cms
    Internal 37 58"
    95.5 cms
    37 78"
    96.2 cms

    Listed Price: £9,500 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16506

    A charming French Louis XVI Fireplace in a very softly mottled Carrara marble. The slender shelf sits over a fluted frieze, which is mounted with tablet carved with a ribbon tied garland of daises - this is a rare design! The acanthine paterae endblocks are mounted over fluted, console jambs.

    French, late 19th century.

    Outer footblock to footblock width 60" 152.5cms.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 61 38"
    156 cms
    43 12"
    110.4 cms
    15 38"
    39 cms
    Internal 44 1116"
    113.6 cms
    86.3 cms
  • Stock: 16477

    An antique Louis XV chimneypiece in carrara marble in the Rococo style. This fireplace has a serpentine shelf, which rests over the frieze, carved with a central Rocaille motif. The scallop endblocks are mounted over fluted console canted jambs.

    French, late 19th century.

    Outside footblook to outside footblock 55 1/4" 140cms

    View our collection of: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 56 18"
    142.5 cms
    43 58"
    110.8 cms
    15 316"
    38.5 cms
    Internal 40 38"
    102.7 cms
    36 316"
    92 cms

    Listed Price: £8,900 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16580

    A very fine Regency bullseye fireplace in statuary marble, with beautiful scagliola embellishments. This chimneypiece is utterly charming, small in proportion and decorated with scrolling scagliola work, reminiscent of the Roman decorative motifs found at archaeological sites such as Herculaneum, which later inspired the work of architects such as Robert Adam.

    English, c.1800.

    Outside footblock to outside footblock 48" 121.9cms

    View our collection of: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 52 316"
    132.5 cms
    41 1116"
    106 cms
    6 12"
    16.6 cms
    Internal 36 18"
    91.7 cms
    35 78"
    91.2 cms
  • Stock: 16562

    A large and grand bolection fireplace in the most beautifully veined breche violette marble. With a wide moulded shelf, this deep bolection fireplace has Greek corners and scrolls on the jambs, elevating it beyond the usual simplicity that typifies the style.

    French, c.1850.

    Outer footblock to footblock width 63" 160cms

    View our collection of fireplaces: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 65"
    165.2 cms
    43 12"
    110.5 cms
    16 1116"
    42.5 cms
    Internal 41 14"
    105 cms
    35 316"
    89.5 cms

    Listed Price: £18,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 16561

    A fine antique Louis XVI fireplace in a beautifully veined Seravezza marble. The fireplace has a moulded shelf which rests over a stop-fluted frieze, framed by acanthus paterae over elegant jambs.

    French, mid 19th century.

    Notes: Seravezza marble has been one of the most sought after since antiquity. Widely used by the Etruscans, the Tuscan quarries were later purchased by the Medici family, who used the marble for many of the buildings in Florence. Michelangelo was sent to open the quarry and improve access to it, but it has since closed, making fireplaces in this marble particularly sought after.

    View our collection of: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 64 1116"
    164.3 cms
    114.3 cms
    13 1116"
    34.7 cms
    Internal 48 1116"
    123.7 cms
    35 58"
    90.5 cms

    Listed Price: £12,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6605

    A fine neoclassical chimneypiece in pure white statuary marble, inlaid with a warm Sicilian jasper. The moulded shelf rests over the frieze of crisply reeded inlay, which is centred by an urnular tablet, and supported by paterae endblocks. These decorative features are echoed again in the jambs.
    A beautifully drawn Georgian fireplace, that almost anticipates the restraint of the Regency. the

    English, c.1780 with restorations.

    View our collection of: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 66 18"
    168 cms
    56 14"
    143 cms
    6 1116"
    17 cms
    Internal 45 14"
    115 cms
    45 1116"
    116 cms

    Listed Price: £32,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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  • Stock: 6604

    A fine and large Neoclassical fireplace in statuary and Siena marble. The thick moulded shelf of this fireplace rests on a frieze set with a generous panel of richly veined, yellow Siena marble, which is centred by a wreath and lyre tablet. Paterae endblocks over elegant jambs, which are also mounted with wide bands of Siena.

    English, late 18th century, with restorations.

    View our collection of: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.

    Width Height Depth
    External 70 78"
    180 cms
    134.7 cms
    6 1116"
    17 cms
    Internal 46 18"
    117 cms
    42 316"
    107.2 cms

    Listed Price: £32,000 (+VAT where applicable)

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275 items

Marble fireplaces
Our stunning collection of antique marble fireplaces, mantels and chimneypieces features fireplaces made in a variety of different antique marbles, including Sienna marble, Statuary marble, Cippolino marble and Verde Antico marble.

A brief history of marble
Marble has been used in architecture for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures. Its ability to bear immense weight made it ideal for supporting structures and monolithic columns in public, private and religious buildings. Prized for its beauty and resilience, marble has been used in some of the world’s most iconic buildings, including the Parthenon, the Taj Mahal and the Palace of Versailles.
Marble has been popular for its use in sculpture since classical times. In fact, the word ‘marble’ derives from the Ancient Greek mármaron, which means ‘crystalline rock, shining stone’. Light is able to penetrate several millimetres into marble before being scattered out, producing the characteristic ‘glow’ that seems to give life to sculptures.

The introduction of marble fireplaces
Marble fireplaces have been popular for hundreds of years. Marble has been highly prized as a material for fireplaces due to its softness - which makes it easier to carve - its strength, and, perhaps most of all, its elegance and air of luxury.
The oldest piece in our collection of antique marble fireplaces dates back to around 1460. This extremely rare chimneypiece is carved in Pietra d’Istria marble from the Istrian Peninsula near Venice, and is attributed to Giorgio da Sebenico, sculptor of the Duomo San Francesco, Cathedral of Ancona.

A taste for marble fireplaces
Marble fireplaces remained fashionable in Europe throughout the 15th and 16th Centuries and were particularly popular during the Georgian, Regency and Victorian eras.
The first half of the Georgian era saw marble fireplaces influenced heavily by the classical temple architecture of the Greeks and Romans. Halfway through the 18th Century, designer and architect Robert Adam revolutionised fireplace design with his neoclassical fireplaces.
Marble fireplaces were much sought-after during the Regency period, particularly those made from Statuary marble. However, the onset of the Napoleonic wars in 1803 made its cost prohibitive to all but the wealthiest, and largely restricted its use to grand public rooms.
From the early to mid Victorian era these fireplaces were typically very ornate, featuring intricate floral designs. Later Victorian fireplaces show a preference for simpler, more geometric designs.

Antique marble fireplaces
Antique marble fireplaces are still very much in demand, and it’s easy to see why. From the simplest to the most sumptuously extravagant, a marble fireplace can be tastefully integrated into either a traditional or modern room to make a beautiful and striking focal point.
Our collection of antique marble fireplaces is one of the most comprehensive in the world. A display spanning such a breadth of styles, periods and materials is unlikely to be found elsewhere.