Chimneypieces | Rococo | Stock No: 14240

A French Rococo Brown Marble Fireplace


Stock No.14240

An elegant & tall Louis XV antique chimneypiece in subtly attractive, mottled coffee coloured, veined marble from a local quarry in Brittany. Provenance: Hotel 'Repaire de Kerroch' in the port of Paimpol, Brittany which has been recently partly converted into apartments, please see last image below. A larger version of fireplace Stock Number 14239, with the same provenance. French late 18th early 19th century.

Width Height Depth
External 57 18"
145 cms
46 14"
117.5 cms
10 38"
26.5 cms
Internal 48"
122 cms
38 38"
97.5 cms

Link to: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.

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