Chimneypieces | Renaissance | Stock No: 4721

A Rare 15th Century Venetian Chimneypiece


Stock No.4721

A rare Venetian chimneypiece from the dawn of the Renaissance. This extremely rare chimneypiece is carved in Pietra d’Istria marble from the Istrian Peninsula near Venice and is attributed to Giorgio da Sebenico, sculptor of the Duomo San Francesco, Cathedral of Ancona, which features near identical images on the portal. A piece of this rarity and quality is seldom seen outside a museum. Italian, circa 1460.

Width Height Depth
External 78 1116"
200 cms
188 cms
34 14"
87 cms
Internal 68 14"
173.4 cms
65 316"
165.7 cms

Link to: Antique Renaissance, Gothic Tudor Fireplace mantels and Chimneypieces: 1260 - 1600

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