Chimneypieces | Victorian | Stock No: 8123

A Minton Tiled Victorian Statuary Fireplace


Stock No.8123

A striking Victorian fireplace mantel in white Statuary marble. It is decorated with 17 Minton majolica tiles, five depicting winged heraldic lions holding grapes, three black and one brown prancing horses, four putti rowing in shell boats, and four lion mask shields with scimitar swords. All are set in a stylised Greco-Roman manner. (Research is on-going into the significance behind the tile images). English circa 1860.

Width Height Depth
External 78 18"
198.5 cms
46 1116"
118.5 cms
14 38"
36.5 cms
Internal 39"
99 cms
36 12"
92.8 cms

Link to: Antique Victorian, William IV and Edwardian fireplaces and chimneypieces.

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